martes, 7 de junio de 2011

- Morena Picopato -

 . The morena Picopato is the most incredible morena of the islands.

 . The picopato`s mouth is very big and is full of very sharp teeth.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Canary Islands.


The Canary Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean, Nort-West of Africa and South-West of Europe.

          We are directly in front of the coast of Morocco


There are different climatical areas and different landscapes:

massive mountains                                                                                desert land (Maspalomas beach)
 (La Aldea de San Nicolas)

tropical forest (Tilos from Moya)


There are very interesting buildings and places in our city:

The Cathedral of Las Palmas de G.C.

Santa Ana square.

House of Colón
(It reminds us that Cristobal Colon made halt in Las Palmas on their journey to America)

Canarian museum
(It shows the most interesting exposition you may find about canarian original population)

Pueblo Canario
(It is a square with typical canarian building where you can see typical canarian dances)

(It shows the incredible variety of plants at the islands, with hundreds of species)

It is one of the most grown and popular ornamental trees all around the world.

It has got very sweet fruits called dates.


jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

Canary Islands.

The Canary Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean, south-west of Spain and north-west of Africa.


They are directly in front of the coast of Morocco.

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011


Non Flowering seed plants.

 Non flowering seed plants are those that never produces flowers, but they produces seed.

This type of plant is called gyunosperas. 


jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011


A flowering plant is a plant that at some point during its life cycle produces a flower.

They are also called angiosperm ( scientificname )

All flowering plants produce seed

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

The Rhino Song.

Rhino, everybody know 
You got one tail, four feet, twelve toes
Mr Rhino, look what grows,
Two big horns on the tip of your nose

Now you got three friends, Mr Rhinoceros
Elephant, buffalo and hippopotamus
You got two bad eyes, but you’re not deaf
And in Africa and Asia there’s not many of you left

Mr Rhino, everybody knows
You got one tail, four feet, twelve toes
Mr Rhino, look what grows,
Two big horns on the tip of your nose.

Five, six seven makes a herd
And on your back rides a white tick bird
Eight nine ten you weigh a ton
But you’re fast as a zebra when you’re on the run

Mr Rhino, everybody knows
You got one tail, four feet, twelve toes
Mr Rhino, look what grows,
Two big horns on the tip of your nose.


Brambles and nettles you love to crunch
With your many many teeth you munch and munch
You’re the one and only, but sure as you’re born
Bigger and better than a unicorn

Mr Rhino, everybody knows
You got one tail, four feet, twelve toes
Mr Rhino, look what grows,
Two big horns on the tip of your nose.

I said two big horns on the tip of your nose.